Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm a friggin animal

I have a very thoughtful post that I'm working on but it's not quite ready. We've been really busy lately and I haven't been posting as much as I'd like, so I thought I'd post this little ditty for you.
Over the past week or so Gia has been on a kick to use the potty all by herself. We can't help her do any of it. She's not so great at getting her pants up or down, nor is she great at wiping...but I guess she's gotta learn sometime. 
So last week we were eating dinner and she said she had to go potty. "Mommy. All by myself."
So off she went. About 5 minutes later she still wasn't back, despite repeated attempts by both me and her dad to get her to finish up and come back. 
We could hear her singing songs to herself and just being silly in there. Then we heard raspberries. You know when you make funny noises with your mouth? Those kind of raspberries. Well that quickly turned into full-on spitting sounds. 
I gave Jon the eye and he went to go fetch our girl from the potty. On the way there he mumbled, "She's acting like a friggin animal". 
Now, before you get upset that my husband was calling my daughter an animal, let me explain. This is our thing. We tease her often that she's not acting like a good girl--that she's being a little animal. She knows it's a joke and she understands that acting like an animal is not the correct way to act. He doesn't usually insert the word friggin in there, but hey, it was in the middle of dinner and he was probbaly a little frustrated.
So off he goes to get Gia off the potty. As he's helping her finish up she goes, "I'm a friggin animal!" in this chipper, cheerful, adorable happy voice.
I seriously lost it. I was laughing so hard I was crying and Jon was speechless. Gia loved that we thought it was funny, so of course she kept repeating it. (This is the first time she's ever repeated anything bad we've said. In general we don't swear often at all, but there are times when we slip and she's yet to repeat any of it, which just made this even funnier for us.) 
A few minutes later, we were all back at the dinner table and Gia was still stuck on being a "friggin animal".  All we had to do was ask what she was and she'd say it. you go.  See for yourself. I hope you find it as funny (and priceless) as we all do!

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